Do we really need another blog? Maybe, maybe not. This, That & The Other are my reflections, impressions and musings on theology, culture, politics and life. You're welcome to join the conversation but remember this is only a blog so let's not take ourselves so seriously.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Introducing This, That, & The Other

Hey ya'll. I've been checking out some blogs lately and decided to dive in the pond myself. This, That & The Other will spout about many things from the sublime to the ridiculous. My interest range from Star Trek (are they really thinking of another movie, please give it up) to football (the Birds have got to be kidding if they believe they have any chance in the NFC East) to politics (sorry Swannie but fast Eddie's got a lock on the PA gov mansion) to theology (which we all know is the study of God toward the end of enriching our worship of Him, our walk before Him and our witness of Him within the social/historical context He's placed us in). You're most welcome to listen and of course chime in. However, should you wish to drop some wisdom on us I only ask that you abide by the dictates of Ephesians 4:29.

Of course as in all things whether a blog, loving my wife, watching LOTR with the chilren or preaching to the crew at CLF my goal, purpose and delight is to bring glory to my Lord, Shepherd, Savior and King, Jesus Christ.